Monday, March 26, 2012

Our Lady of Fatima

By: William Thomas Walsh

BookNo.: r036

Asunto: highlights

Fecha: 12/03/12


  • When the great miracle of the Sun at Fatima happened in 1917, nobody in the US paid attention, there was baseball gng on. Only years later with WWII people came to know it through the research of this great historian (Walsh) whom by the way died inngreat peace after a visit to his hospital by the pilgrim image of Our Lady of Fatima.
  • This edition is published in the 50's and shows the great fear there was of the world destruction at Russian hands by atomic war. Only Our Lady can save us if we pray!

Chapter 1

  • Lucia's mother was a strong woman who, besides hard work loved readin pious books. It was she who would prepare the kids for First Communion, including Lucia who at the age of 6 seemed to be ready.
  • Maria took the young girl to the Parish priest one day before the great event to be examined. She passed the test but still the good priest thought she was too young and wouldn't allow her.
  • Lucia was then sobbing when a Jesuit saw her and asked what's the matter. He then convinced the Parish priest and heard her first confession.
  • She told her sins rather loudly except for the last one and when she came out her embarrassed mother 'reprimanded' her for that, but then asked what was the last. Lucia never told her.
  • Her first Communion was a very big and pious event, and she contionuously asked God to make her a saint.

Chapter 2

  • Lucia, 7, was a normal girl who grew to like playing with her younger cousins Francisco, 6, and Jacinta, 4.
  • Due to her father's heavy drinking she had to start shepherding at that age as well as her mother and other siblings do a good deal of work.
  • She met other shepherds and it was then with them that they began to have some visions which were not very clear. The rumour was spread and people began to make fun of her but she wouldn't say anything as anyhow she couln't understand it.

Chapter 3

  • Francisco and Jacinta used to wait every day for Lucia at the end of the day until finally came the day when Jacinta managed to convince their mother that the two of them should also go shepherding (the boy didn't care much).
  • They used to go about their work like any other normal kids: playing, running, shouting, jumping and dancing, a lot of dancing.
  • Also praying the Rosary after the afternoon snack, albeit their own way, just saying a couple of words instead of each Hail Mary or Our Father. One day in 1916, in the middle of this prayer they had a completely tremendous and unpredictable experience.

Chaper 4

  • WWI was raging in Europe but at the village of these kids as at other similar villages, life went on almost without any change.
  • The three kids then were one day in 1916 with their sheep when what seemed to be a strong storm began and they ran with their animals to a cave.
  • There, the Angel of Peace (maybe St. Michael) appeared to theand taught them a prayer on reparation. After this apparition they were left weak, but they went home and told nobody.
  • Few weeks later the angel appeared again, calling himself Guardian Angel of Portugal and reminding them to pray and offer sacrifices. Francisco could see him like the other two did, but couldn't hear him this time. They were left even more tired after this encounter.
  • They didn't know what sacrifice meant but little by little discovered it and started offering many.
  • Finally, the Angel appeared a third time, this time again at the cave and now taught them a new prayer on reparation for sins to the Eucharist. Then he gave Holy Communion to the three of them: to Lucia the Host and the Blood that had dripped from the Host to the Chalice to the other two kids.
  • This time they were in ecstasy for long until dark and were left utterly exhausted but managed to go back home with their sheep.

Chapter 5

  • Lucia's family life started to deteriorate due to the father's alcoholic problem, aggravated then by the marrying of the two eldest daughters and one of the boys enlisting for the arme (finally the effects of the war were being felt at the village). The mother got seriously ill. Lucia suffered a great deal.
  • Also at Jacinta's and Francisco's there was some suffering with the bigger boys enlisting.
  • The 3 kids had lost great part of their cheerfulness and on this 13th May 1917 while with their sheep they heard a very loud thunder that made them afraid and run for cover, followed by other two until they finally saw a Lady full of light that took away all their fear.
  • She told them they would go to heaven, to pray a lot and asked them to offer their lifes in atonement.
  • This time, after the aparition they were not tired, rather, they were exulting with joy and Lucia had to warn the others not to tell anybody.

Chapter 6

  • Jacinta coudn't keep it in, told their mother and although not really believing them, at least these two sibngs were left in peace.
  • However, the rumour was spread very quickly and by next morning Lucia alady had a hell of a time.
  • The unbelieving and adverse position of people around them made them suffer and they recognized there the suffering Our Lady had spoken about. They also did sacrifices like gifting their lunch food to beggars and various other privations offered for the conversion of sinners.
  • The 13th June was about to arrive and considering it would be the great feast of St. Anthony, their parents thought the kids would forget their appointment at the cave. But not at all.
  • Lucia's mother thought of forbbiding her going, but on the priest's advice she allowed her to go, although rather bitterly which made Lucia suffer more.

Chapter 7

  • For this second meeting on June 13, about 50 people joined them on the way, coming from vary many places.
  • After praying the Rosary (not the Litany because Lucia said there was not enough time), Our Lady appeared again. Only the three children could see her, and Francisco as before could not hear her. The rest of people could only hear a buzz and notice a change in the day light.
  • Our Lady told them to pray to the Immaculate Heart, that Jacinta and Francisco would soon go to Heaven, and that Lucia would remain on earth for a long period: she should learn how to read and write.
  • In spite of what all the witnesses had to say, or maybe because of that, Lucia's mother still did not believe and got even worse when Lucia told her she wanted to join school to learn reading and writing as Our Lady had said. The next day she would be taken to the priest so that she would stop her big lie.

Chapter 8

  • The priest interviewed Lucia after having done so to the other 2 kids, asking many questions and taking the respective mental notes. Unfortunately, he concluded this could be some work of the devil.
  • After that Lucia decided that she wouldnt go on the 13th of July and nothing her cousins told her would make her change her mind about it.
  • However, that very morning she decided to go and she went with the other 2 kds. Upon arrival they found gathered there a very large crowd and growing. There came their two mothers armed with candles for some sort of exorcism, and Jacinta's father to see what his children were up to. By the time of the apparition there were some 2000 or 3000 people, rich and poor, devouts and curious.
  • Our Lady came, as usual only the could see her and only the 2 girls could hear her words.
  • She told them she would show a great miracle in October for everybody to believe. Then she gave them a glimpse of hell, and she told them two secrets. The second one which was nor revealed and the first vealed only later. The one revealed by the time of this book was about the end of WWI but then the coming of WWII, the spreading of Communism and its terror and errors, the need of consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. She asked for the daily prayer of the Rosay and the prayer "Oh Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fire of hell, lead all souls to Heaven, especially those most in need of your mercy"

Chapter 9

  • After the apparition many curious and interested people would come over to enquire but the kids didn't like it and began to find ways to avoid them.
  • They did like, however, the visit of the Jesuit Fr. Cruz who believed them and taught them other aspirations to say.
  • Jacinta began to have more prophetic visions of the war and the Holy Father and to have anmincreasing sorrow for the souls condemned.
  • It seems that the rumours were spreading wildly and now the parents received notice from the authorities to present the kids for trial on August 11, 1917.

Chapter 10

  • Only Antonio took Lucia to the Administrator while Ti Marcos decided not to submit his children to such trip and ridiculuous trial.
  • Lucia was submitted to questions and threats but she didnt give in.
  • On the 12th many people came to the village, including the Administrator who repeated his threats.
  • The next day the Administrator took the children early morning to the Prior and then kidnapped them so that they couldnt go to see Our Lady.
  • There were 6000 people gathered there and saw a cloud and lights changing but Our Lady did not appear as the kids weren't there.
  • The crowds were angered and would have gone to kill the Prior and the Administrator had it not been for the wise words of Ti Marcos who stopped them.
  • When he got back home he found his wife crying.

Chapter 11

  • The administrator locked the kids in his house and subjected them to long interrogations, some sort of psychological torture by enacting the other's murder in boiling oil, and even put them in jail. But never managed to extract the secret from them or get to tell everything was a farce.
  • While in jail they managed to set many of the prisoners at prayer (the Rosary, of course) and they all danced together as well. (apostolate by example)
  • They finally were brought back to the village were had it not been for Ti Marcos, the crowd would have killed the Administrator.
  • On Sunday 19 Lucia and Francisco went with one of Jacinta's brothers to shepherd. Somewhere half way the village and the usual place of tge apparitions, they felt the same changes of weather as before other apparitions so they called for Jacinta.
  • When she came Our Lady appeared again, reminded them to pray for sinners, told them she would come again on the 13th, she would perform a miracle in October, and gave them indications on what to do with the collected money. Also that they should come next time carrying pedestals with other 2 girls and 3 boys.

Chapter 12

  • After the apparition of August the kids were very happy and they also began to do more pennance and prayer. Among others, they started wearing an improvised hair shirt.
  • The apparition of September saw again several thousands gathered for it and it was the shortest.
  • Our Lady again reminded them to pray, told them she would cure some of the people that has asked for it and that their sacrifices were pleasing to God, but told them not to use the hair shirt at night, only during the day.(obedience)
  • They were subjected again to many interrogations during the month, some rude and others not so much.
  • 12th of October came and Lucia's family were still trying to make her tell she had invented it all. They feared the crowd would tear her to pieces if no miracle was seen on the 13th. But Lucia was confident and resolute.
  • That evening a storm seemed to be coming from the northeast.

Chapter 13

  • The weather that night and the following morning was horrible: cold, windy and rainy. Not withstanding, the many pilgrims remained on the road and slept on the mud, wet to the core.
  • It was difficult for the kids to reach there due to the large crowd, many of them asking them for favors. When they finally arrived there were about 70,000 pilgrims who had come to see the miracle promissed. Lucia's mother had also come ready to die if they were to kill her daughter when the miracle didn't happen as she thought it would be.(unbelief)
  • Our Lady came a few minutes late and again only the 3 kids could see her, and only the two girls could hear her. They were also shown visions of the mysteries of the Rosary, of St Joseph, the baby Jesus, the Jesus during the Passion, Our Lady crowned as queen... And she reminded them to pray the Rosary, asked a Sanctuary to be built there and told them the war was over and people were coming back home.
  • None of the others could hear her or see the visions, but they all, believers and unbelievers, were able to see the great miracle of the 'dancing' sun. Even people from many kilometers distance were able to see the extraordinary phenomenom.

Chaper 14

  • Again the kids were subjected to interrogations by a priest on that day and few days later. At the end he was content with their answers, confident they were the truth and knew that the apparitions had been real. He became a defender even against fellow priests who didn't believe.
  • The Freemasons tried something to discredit the whole event, but this just increased the people's devotion that made the place a destination for pilgrimages.
  • Lucia and Jacinta were finally sent to school to learn how to read.

Chapter 15

  • Francisco went on growing and growing in prayer, in dialogue and love with God in the Eucharist. He had no interest in studies or what he would be when he grew up: he knew he would go soon to Heaven.
  • He failed the exam for First Communion again and was very sad, not so much because his younger sister Jacinta did pass and he was left behind, but because he couldn't receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
  • With the end of the war in October 1918, influenza was spread throughout Portugal.
  • Francisco got seriously ill twice and recovered but the last one was fatal.
  • He requested and managed to receive in his last days on earth the sacrament of confession (he had to ask Lucia and Jacinta to tell him any sins they remembered he had committed) and finally Holy Communion. He had a great love for Our Lord in the Eucharist, the "hidden Jesus" as they used to call Him.

Chapter 16

  • Very moving chapter, too difficult to summarize.
  • Jacinta died alone in a hospital in Lisbon. A peaceful, holy and edifying dead.
  • Among many prophecies and deep statements she made, one was particularly striking for me: "those who do not keep the promisses they make to Our Lady will never be happy in their affairs"

Chapter 17

  • Lucia was now very lonely without her two cousins. And she became the sole target for everything related to the apparitions.
  • A new bishop was appointed to the area and he had to take decisions on this issue.
  • He asked Lucia to move to another city to study where nobody would know her or her relationship with the apparitions.
  • It was sentimentally hard for her to leave, but she did it promptly. (obedience)

Chapter 18

  • Lucia reached her new school in Porto where she would stay for at least 4 years (until she was 18). There she changed her identity to Maria das Dores (Mary of Sorrows) and would speak to nobody of her real identity or what had happened in her life.
  • In due time she became a nun and was very happy there.
  • One night in 1938 there was a very strong light as of fire on the sky for many hours. This Lucia recognized as the sign Our Lady hald talked about for the great punishment, the grat war. Russia should be concecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary or she would spread all her errors throughout the world.

Chapter 19

  • Lucia wrote her Memoirs due to the indications given her by the Bishop. She was finally able to visit the place of the apparitions and her village again in 1946. The place had changed a lot due to the great devotion that had been spread.


  • Although she was not too happy about it, the author interviewed Lucia on July 1946. It was a 3 hour long interview. She believed the wishes of Our Lady, the consecration of Russia to her Immaculate Heart had be carried out to avoid the spreading of Communism throughout the world.
  • The author asked her if Our Lady had said anything about the United States! She found that question obviously amusing and the answer was no, but asked him for prayers from that country.

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