By Guillaume Derville
15th day
Constructing the new city of love
We must learn to recognize Christ when he comes out to meet us in our brothers, the ppl around us
14th day
A love that knows no bounds
The Lord never forces himself on us. He wants us to turn to him freely... We have to hold him back (like the disciples of Emmaus)
13th day
True love of God is as far removed from sensuality as it is from insensitivity, and as far from sentimentality as it is from heartlessness or hard-heartedness.
Purity gives love wings. It sets us free.
Speak out. When water flows it stays clean; blocked up, it becomes a stagnant pool full of repugnant filth.
12th day
The fundamental motive behind prudence is to fulfill the will of God who wants us to be straight forward w/o being childish, friends of truth but never superficial or bewildered.
To love the truth gives peace & makes possible authentic dialogue w others . Speaking the truth is a sign of authentic respect and condition for real love.
Dialogue , freedom n responsibility go together.
To defend the truth we must love.
The true charity of Christ involves affection n warmth
11th day
The disciples didnt understand Jesus' choice of a donkey. Didnt realice it was to fulfill the Scripture, nor that it represented each of them.
10th day
Learning to love like a child
If you want to be great, make yourself little. To be little you must believe, love, abandon yourself, pray as children do.
Be children means be simple in pr and ask for the moon if need be
Grown ups feel embarrassd when they tumble... Children just get up
Humility is the virtue that helps us to recognize , at one and the same time, both our wretchedness and our greatness
9th day
St Josemaria used to call penance 'the sacrament of joy'
Jesus does not condemn. He forgives. In him, God loves us.
Humor - a word with the same root as humility
8th day
We have God with us; we can receive him every day and, if we want to, we can speak intimately with him... As we talk with love itself.
St Josemaria often meditated on 7 pgospel passages about prayer of petitiion he had written in his planner.
So it is necessary to ask with faith.
With faith n love we can steal God's heart, making him fall madly in love.
7th day
love of freeedom
Freedom finds its true meaning when it is put to the service of the truth which redeems.
In creating us God has accepted the risk and the adventure of our freedom.
Things are not all on the same plane, and love is always supreme.
The source of respect forbfreedom lies in love.
6th day
As at Nazareth, so also there (Bethany) the human face of God was visible in his holy humanity in a special way.
Follow example of both sisters, spending time with Jesus means working as well as praying.
Jesus Christ was not, and is not insensitive to the suffring that stems from love... But at the same time requires tha we first admit the pre-eminence of divine love.
We must be very human, otherwise we cannot be divine.
The love we experience on earth when it is really genuine, helps us to savor divine love.
Book No. r001
Date: 27/12/10 onwards