Saturday, April 11, 2009

El hombre de Villa Tevere. Chapter 8

St. Josemaria is a great communicator who, wanting to help everybody to get closer to God (from 100 souls, the 100) does apostolate with each person he meets, wherever he goes, adapting the way he tells things to each person, to his or her capacity.

He is a great friend to his friends, never forgetting them, always looking for ways to make them have a good time, like to a Cardinal friend of his for whom he asked some "MU sweets" which were quite cheap but the Cardinal liked a lot. Of course, he had them very nicely wrapped as well.

His interest for people's good would go from A to Z, from the gypsy "enchinador" who was almost drunk when called to meet him, to Walt Disney who like "The Way".

Telling the truth clearly to his friends, like to a priest friend of his who, when the Spanish Civil War was about to start, had decided to stay indoors to do a lot of studies instead of going out to help people (mainly spiritually).

He was a wonderful communicator, with love, gift of tongues and a lot of good humor and struggle as well.

He is confident 100% sure that the truth which he knows is true, but he respects and blesses other peoples beliefs, thus when he talks he says "I believe...". Like to a group of Japanse ladies who visited him and told them to pray for him and gave them a blessing as a priest, even if some of them were not Catholic, nor Christian.

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